Bring Rugby to your school

Rugby is a sport that encompasses the importance of strength, perseverance, teamwork, friends and family.

With Imagine Rugby our goal is to give back to our communities by inspiring our youth and promoting the importance of education, health and respect through the power of the sport of rugby.

This program will:

  • Give Elementary School PE teachers something new they can use that is inclusive in nature. Everyone plays, no matter what skill level!
  • Increase awareness of rugby in general, and introduce the San Diego Legion to the wider community.

Kits will contain the following:

  • 8 (size 4) balls
  • 1 ball bag
  • 1 Rugby Booklet
  • 30 flag sets (2 colors)
  • 30 pennies (2 colors)
  • 50 field cones

Its been shown that youth rugby has increased individuals self-confidence. Rugby offers increased confidence and fosters courage, fitness, togetherness and bringing together young athletes from all backgrounds.

Builds discipline: Rugby requires a high degree of preparation and can develop key mental skills of self control and discipline.

Improves mental state: Rugby gives participants a sense of purpose and belonging on a team. Camaraderie with teammates drives individuals towards a more positive frame of mind.

Our goal in 2022-2023 is to reach 2,000 schools through our Ball in Bag programs. By hitting this goal we would reach around 800,000 youth athletes. If you would like to help support by donating, please visit our donation page