Coach Development
The San Diego Legion Coach Development Program (CDP) is a development pathway for coaches that is integrated with the local college, High School and Youth Club rugby programs, providing further development opportunities for all levels of coaches. Our goal is to provide quality coaching and resource support to enhance all levels of rugby in the San Diego area. All coaches from U8 to U23 levels are invited to participate in the CDP.
One key objective is to preserve the rugby ethos. Helping coaches integrate the proper rugby culture into their programs is essential for the continual growth of rugby in our area.
Preseason High School Clinic
One weekend prior to the High School season, all HS coaches will be invited to this free 1-day Preseason Clinic. This clinic will he held at Legion HQ and focus on a Question / Answer session with the Legion coaches. The intent is to answer any questions and provide any last-minute guidance before the High School season begins.
Legion Preseason Clinic
During the Legion preseason, all HS and College coaches are invited to attend the Legion trainings / coaching sessions. Seats in each individual session are limited, so attendance will be reserved. The intent is to have local coaches observe how Legion Coaches structure and execute training sessions, as well as discuss feedback.
Postseason Clinic
At the end of the U16 / U18 season, all coaches (U8 – U18) are invited to attend this free 1-day Postseason Clinic. This will be held at Legion HQ and will be a discussion on the previous season. Topics to include what worked well, what didn’t work well, and what additional support is needed in the local coaching community.
This program allows for High School, Colleges, and Clubs to hire Legion Players to attend practices on a regular basis to help implement their knowledge and experience into training. The level of involvement will depend on the level purchased, but could include:
One to two Legion players attend practices,
Positional specialists rotate from club to club and age-group to age-group,
Assigned coaches to provide game video analysis.
Contact, if your club is interested in Legion Player Coaches.
Donate Today!
Join us in making a difference! Your donation helps us expand our programs, which range from youth rugby initiatives to support for underserved populations. We believe in providing equal opportunities for everyone to experience the benefits of rugby, both on and off the field. With your support, we can continue to offer educational and recreational activities, engage players and coaches in community outreach, and grow the sport we love. By donating, you're not just supporting rugby; you're investing in the future of our community. Help us continue to make a positive impact. Every contribution counts!